Journal Hukum Somalia

Journal Hukum Somalia

The Journal Hukum Somalia covers in all aspects of law, with a particular emphasis on contemporary developments, jurisprudence and the historical context of legal systems in Somalia. This journal provides immediate open access to its content, grounded in the principle that making research available to the public promotes broader global knowledge sharing. The Journal Hukum Somalia (JHS) is established and published by the Legal Archives Centre.

It is crucial to carefully examine and understand the author guidelines for preparing a manuscript. Authors who submit a manuscript to the editors are required to follow these guidelines and use the supplied template. Manuscripts that do not meet the defined guidelines or use a different format will be declined by the editorial team before the review stage. The editorial team will only take into account manuscripts that meet the outlined formatting requirements.


Inquisitorial Legal System In Somalia

Ahmed Kheir Osman

PDF Vol: 1 Issue: 6 Pages: 44-51

The Challenges Posed By The Provisional Constitution Of Somalia’s Federal System

Abdishakur Ali Ahmed

PDF Vol: 1 Issue: 5 Pages: 35-44

The Legal Capacity Of Federated Entities With Foreign States: Somaliland - Puntland Port Pact Deal

Ahmed Kheir Osman

PDF Vol: 1 Issue: 4 Pages: 26-34

Procedures Of Becoming Legal Practitioners In Somalia: Analytical Reflection

Ahmed Kheir Osman

PDF Vol: 1 Issue: 3 Pages: 18-25

International Law And Its Applicability In The Somalia’s Legal System

Ahmed Kheir Osman

PDF Vol: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 11-17

Identifying And Addressing Critical Issues Within The Construction And Engineering Industry In Somalia

Ahmed Kheir Osman

PDF Vol: 1 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-10