Court Fees, Registration and Annual Fees for both National and Foreign Practitioners Certificates in Somalia. Take on 19 March 2023.

Court Fees, Registration and Annual Fees for both National and Foreign Practitioners Certificates in Somalia. Take on 19 March 2023.

The registration and annual subscription fees for Somali nationals and foreign advocates are outlined in the Court Fees Assessment Schedule. For the benefit of case management and public information, it gives a description of the pertinent court fees that have been set by the following courts. Prior to enumerating the court and advocacy fees, let us clarify Three key points.

  1. The Somali Bar Association is not as strong as those in the East African Community of which Somali was admitted in November 2023. One could say that their primary responsibilities are overseeing lawyers training and administering their examinations in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs of Somalia. For example, Kenyan Law Society protect, represent and assist members of the legal profession in Kenya in respect of conditions of practice and otherwise. To protect and assist the public in Kenya in all matters touching, ancillary or incidental to the law among others.
  1. The Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs of Somalia is where applicants who are qualified to practice law obtain their licenses particularly the Departmental Directors of Justice. This is not the same as national law societies that register professionals in the legal field in the East African Community, such as the Uganda Law Council and the Kenya Law Society/KLC among others.
  1. The Regulation of Court fees and that one of lawyers went various different consultations with the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, the Ministry Finance, the Federal High Court (acting both the Constitutional Court and Judicial Service Commission) and Somali Bar Association as stated by the President of the Federal High Court of Somalia Mr. Baashe Yusuf Ahmed.

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